Hospitality, Apartment & Office Buildings

For most users, the Internet means Wi-Fi. Both business guests and tourists in a hotel and residents in an apartment building expect not only a stable, high-speed Wi-Fi connection, but also a secure and personalized service. Office tenants build flexible, monitored worksites that are easy to maintain in terms of hygiene, and a wireless office can be delivered only using a reliable wireless connectivity.
The need to adapt to evolving expectations and industry standards is another common characteristic of these industries. “To stand still is to move backwards” – CommScope RUCKUS understands this challenge very well, which is why we have developed reliable and flexible network solutions that are easy to manage and unlock their potential also in the IoT applications.
One network for all the applications, leveraging the advantages of the most advanced technology, gives you peace of mind while your customers benefit from it even in an unpredictable, changeable environment. Certainly, each of these industries is different.
Read more at CommScope’s website:
- RUCKUS has focused on hotels for many years and is one of the providers of choice in this industry. From online check-in to Wi-Fi in hotel rooms, conference rooms, and auditoria, to building security services, RUCKUS guarantees the highest level of service. Read more…
- Multi-dwelling units (MDU) – Whether it is luxury apartment complex, senior living or student facilities, residents expect more from the landlord: they want to be provided with a service package including secure and high-speed Internet connectivity. They require their own home networks, want to add guests and devices on their own, and expect that the network is available in the whole building, also outside their own apartment. CommScope RUCKUS makes it all possible even for operators hiring a small IT team. Read more…
- Office buildings seem to be different from MDUs but their tenants expect that the building operator provides them with all the media (including the Internet connectivity) covered in one invoice. They also want to manage their own business networks but at a larger scale and with higher functional requirements than in MDU. As remote teamwork tools (such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom) are becoming more popular, new requirements concerning multimedia transmission emerge. Read more…