Secure Network Access

If you need to provide access for organization’s internal purposes, guests or other categories of users (such as subcontractors) and devices (IoT, printers, or smart TVs) retaining the highest level of security, data privacy, and automation of these processes, you will find everything you need in the Cloudpath software from RUCKUS.
With Cloudpath, you can employ multiple ways of user and device authentication in the network. The entire process can be automated to reduce the number of necessary interactions and requests to the IT team, leaving them more time for more important tasks. Cloudpath can generate CA certificates or act as an intermediary in issuing them using the organization’s PKI infrastructure. Cloudpath can serve as a user identity repository, or it can work with an existing one (such as AD, LDAP, and more).
Last but not least, Cloudpath can be helpful as access devices tend to be anonymous following the introduction of random MAC address changers, which is becoming a nightmare of many facilities providing a guest network service with authentication via Captive Portal. Cloudpath will help you avoid all these issues, and your users will not interact with Captive Portal, while obtaining individual access keys to the Wi-Fi DPSK network which ensure user data security and privacy. In addition, the users will be able to manage their access service themselves (add new devices, change network passwords, or even invite guests), which can be referred to as the network micro-segmentation. The next-generation efficient and secure network access enabling users to manage their own service!
The great advantage of Cloudpath is that it can work with both wired and Wi-Fi infrastructures delivered by virtually any other vendor as it uses open standards and attributes.
The name Cloudpath might be somewhat misleading, since the software is available both as a local virtual machine and as a RUCKUS Cloud-based service.