... of various aspects of your business activities, you usually pay little attention to the choice between Wi-Fi and LAN. Due to this negligence, you are missing an important piece of the puzzle. Below you can read more about challenges that you must face when building a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi 6/6E (802.11ax) network to support the digital transformation, their reasons and how you can cope with them.
The digital transformation...
... of various aspects of your business activities, you usually pay little attention to the choice between Wi-Fi and LAN. This is a negligence...
... as it has consequences for almost any types of business, although it may mean also different things such as Industry 4.0, flexible office, smart campus, telemedicine, or distance learning. All of them are based on artificial intelligence, data analysis (big data), and cybersecurity, and they often use cloud computing. These critical applications must be reliable but... it is not always the case.
Each application communicates with the world outside for instance to collect data from peripheral devices and sensors or to report the results to the human operator. Wireless connectivity technologies, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, have been increasingly used. Users require radio communications that will provide them with the quality of a wired network. However... ‘the radio’ often proves to be less reliable. You must also take into account that a network built today should be able to meet ever-increasing expectations for many years to come but… in many cases the network has to be upgraded or even replaced already after 2 or 3 years.

What are the reasons...
... for these challenges? More importantly, how to face them?
In fact, there is a direct connection between the quality and efficiency of a service or application on the one hand, and the quality of the wireless network used on the other. Interrupted communications, dropping data rates, and other faults result in poor application performance and user dissatisfaction, and can even become barriers for any effective digital transformation. Wi-Fi 6 is a large step in the Wi-Fi networks evolution but it will not help resolve all the issues. There are actually many other challenges and needs in the real world, and RUCKUS solves and meets them all:
To enable a true digital transformation of networks used by companies, public institutions, universities and other entities, you should use solutions designed for a demanding environment. CommScope RUCKUS offers such solutions. It is not without good reason that a lot of our customers recommend us in Gartner Peer Insight reviews. We encourage you to test and buy our solutions!

You might think it is OK, but organizations tend to look for savings in network investments by buying mid-range or even home solutions. This is due to the misbelief that a high-end Wi-Fi solution, such as RUCKUS, is expensive. At the same time, these organizations invest heavily in data centers, applications, and business laptops. In fact, the price of a decent RUCKUS AP is comparable to or lower than that of a good business laptop, while a single AP supports a few or up to one hundred laptops at the same time, operating for 7 or more years on the network, which is not the case with most IT equipment... Given the above, you must decide whether it is beneficial to accept a compromise concerning this important link in the chain of technological interdependencies that combine to provide a successful digital transformation.

It should be emphasized that an attempt to ignore the laws of physics and increase the network capacity by installing additional APs defeats the purpose and often has adverse effects: the data rate and the number of users served are d ropping, even to an unacceptable level.
This can be explained by comparing a spade and an excavator:
- Both these tools serve the same purpose which is to move the excavated material from point A to point B.
- It is certain that the excavator will do the same work faster and more efficiently than a man with a spade, even if the spade is made of gold and provided by a recognized manufacturer.
- You can have the work done by more workers with more spades but instead of improvement you will see chaos, as the ‘spade operators’ will interfere with each other. As a result, paradoxically, the productivity will drop.
- This is why a single excavator will be a better fit than dozens of spades.
Thus, the only way to improve the network capacity is to use a high-efficiency Wi-Fi.